Orientation and Mobility Training
DC, Maryland & Virginia

Elisabeth Payne, COMS
Fully Vaccinated
I am a certified orientation and mobility specialist working as an independent contractor in Washington, DC. I have worked with people of all ages and skill levels. I am available for private contracting with individuals, school districts, universities and rehabilitation centers.
If you have recently experienced a change in your vision, I can help you learn to use a white cane for travel.
I can help with dog guide school applications and assessments and patterning your dog guide.
I love technology and I will be happy to help you figure out that smartphone whether it's iPhone or Android, as well as all the amazing travel apps we have now.
If you are new to the area, I can help you orient to your new neighborhood and to our Metrobus and Metrorail systems.
Feel free to contact me directly or through one of the excellent rehabilitation agencies in our area!
I am fully vaccinated and I will be happy to wear a mask during lessons and social distance for your safety. We will wear masks as required by CDC guidelines, DC Health guidelines, and local business requirements during all training sessions.